2009년 11월 4일 수요일

Research Experience

Academic Year Research Projects
  1. [2011] Conceptual Space for Multi-robot Systems
  2. [2003] Four Legged Robot
  3. [2002] Map Building and Path Planning Using Eyebot
  4. [2002] Vector Field Histogram(VFH) Simulator
  5. [2001 ~ 2002] Control One and Two Axis Oil Pressure Actuators for a Road Simulator with DSP
  6. [2001] Machine Learning and Path Planning Algorithms

[2002 ~ 2003] Samsung Software Membership(SSM)

▪ Samsung Electronics

  1. [2009 ~ 2010] TAME Project - An Affective Component with Learning Module
  2. [2008 ~ 2009] TAME Project - An Affective Component for Robots
  3. [2008 ~ 2009] Robo-Ray Project - Software Platform for Humanoid Robots
  4. [2007] MultiCube Project - Asynchronous File System for Flash Memory
  5. [2007] SHADOW 3D Project - 3D Graphics Engine for Digital TV
  6. [2005 ~ 2006] DSP Project - Digital TV Software Platform
  7. [2004] SHADOW Project - Graphics Library for Digital TV

▪ Personal Projects

  1. [2010] Reusable Q-learning and Development Environment
  2. [2009 ~ ] Robot Intelligence Development Environment 2 (RIDE 2)
  3. [2007] Robot Intelligence Development Environment (RIDE)
  4. [2007] Biped Robot Design
  5. [2005] Vision Recognition using Back-propagation
  6. [2003] Biped Robot
  7. [2003] Haptic Device
  8. [2001] Mobile Robot
  1. [2011] A Conceptual Space Architecture for Widely Heterogeneous Robotic Systems - Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 1st Author
  2. [2010] Reusable Affective Software Architecture for Humanoid Robots and Virtual Agents - IVA, 1st Author
  3. [2010] RIDE : A Simulator for Robotic Intelligence Development - IVA, 1st Author
  4. [2010] Evaluating the Effects of Emotional Responses of a Humanoid Robot - IVA, 2nd Author
  5. [2009] Time-varying Affective Response for Humanoid Robots - ICSR, 4th Author
  6. [2007] Page padding method for fragmented flash storage - ICCSA, 4th Author
  7. [2003] Obstacle Avoidance Using A* Algorithm - KSPE, 1st Author
  8. [2003] Obstacle Avoidance Simulation(Vector Field Histogram) - KSPE, 1st Author
  9. [2003] Map-building using Histogram In-Motion Mapping - KSPE, 1st Author
▪ Patents
  1. [2009] Software Architecture of Time-Variant Affective Model (KOREA, USA, In Progress)
  2. [2009] Adaptive Learning Component for an Affective Component (P2009-0060401, KOREA, USA, JAPAN)
  3. [2009] Method to Deliver Emotions of a Sender of Text Messages (P2009-0044998, KOREA)
  4. [2008] Robot Apparatus and Method for Registering Shortcut Command Thereof (P2008-0052151, KOREA, USA)
  5. [2006] Apparatus to Control Multi Remote Connection (P2006-0017344, KOREA)

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